Saturday, January 29, 2011


This week we had the State of The Union Address by President Obama and I thought it was a great speech.  I think it's time these lawmakers unite and do the job they were sent there to do.  Quit looking too far forward to 2012 election and focus on what our country needs right now.  We need a congress that isn't trying to undermine the Comander in Chief!  Don't vote no just because you want the Democrats to fail so you can take the Presidency in two years.  Don't think you can win if Obama has some successful legislation?  Are you that afraid of him that you can't play nice?  Republicans/Tea Party is so far gone at the moment it is sickening.  Get some shit done and call it a day.  You work for us not for yourselves dammit!  If we had an election today, I'd proudly vote for Obama!